Pranayama - Yogic breathing training - exercises and explanations
Yoga practice is divided into eight parts / eight arms. Each arm is a world in itself, with the "asanas" being the physical practice arm of the postures that everyone is familiar with, and the "pranima" being the arm of breathing exercises . There are thousands of different breathing exercises, we will concentrate on those that give us benefits in free diving.
What is "Pranayama"?
Pranayama - translated from Sanskrit (an ancient Indian language in which the Indian scriptures are written) Which has the general meaning of controlling the breath and energy of life.
"Prana" - the universal life energy that is in all things in the universe, whether inanimate or living. The prana is similar to the air we breathe but more gentle.
"Yama" - extension or extension
"Pranayama" - an extension of the prana dimension, the energy of life, air and breath.
Physiologically the purpose of pranayama is to improve oxidation, purification, blood circulation and lymph nodes. Breathing has two aspects: External - gas exchange between the blood and air Health
And internal - gas exchange between the blood and all the cells of the body.
Advantages of practicing pranayama for free diving:
1. General balance to the body systems, makes the practice of holding your breath more comfortable, easy and fun.
2. Contributes to the relief of asthma symptoms.
Creates a significant increase in the body's abilities aerobically and anaerobically and in fact prepares and strengthens us in the ability to hold breath and movement in water.
4. Strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, oxidizes the body organs and contributes to the elimination and cleansing of toxins from the body.
Daily practice strengthens us mentally and contributes to reducing cravings for smoking and drinking alcohol and helps to develop stable thinking and willpower.
Emphasis for practicing pranayama:
1. Keep your spine upright, neck and head straight.
2. Exercise on an empty stomach (wait after a meal for at least 3 hours)
For the following exercises, breathe from the nose.
When practicing pranayama, "bandages" can be used to intensify the practice. We will concentrate on the important locks for diving.
Banda: Locking - The purpose of the Banda is to transfer the pranic energy in the body and it has many physiological benefits.
Jalandra Bandaha - Throat Lock
One of the three main locks used by yogis.
Perform the lock by tilting the head down and raising the chest so that the chin rests in the area of the base of the neck.
The lock can be used at any breathing stop.
Contributes to the cleansing of the nasal passages and regulates blood flow and prana to the heart, head and endocrine glands in the neck (the endocrine system is a collection of glands that produce and secrete hormones into the bloodstream .
Exercise 1: (Explanation)
Kapalabati - The Breath of Fire
One of the most powerful exercises. Stimulating and stimulating with many benefits.
Exhale firmly and quickly through the nose, using the diaphragm to push the air out (similar to sneezing)
The emphasis is on exhalation only (active exhalation, passive inhalation upon release of the diaphragm).
A uniform and comfortable pace should be maintained.
After completing several breaths, inhale through the nose a large inhale and hold the breath (within comfort)
How is this done?
Sit in a comfortable seat (on a chair or with your feet restrained), regulate your breathing
Take 2 large breaths (from the nose)
60 Capalbati breaths
Take 2 large breaths
Hold your breath for 0:45 seconds until 1:00
This is round 1. Repeat 3 times.
Benefits of free diving: Activates and strengthens the diaphragm and contributes to more comfortable and safer breathing stops.
General benefits: Activates and strengthens the diaphragm, abdomen, spleen, pancreas, heart and liver. Releases toxins from the lungs, improves digestion and cleanses the sinuses.
Exercise 2: (Explanation)
Udiana-Bandha -Udiana Bandha
Extremely powerful diaphragmatic stretch

How is this done?
Lie on your back or sit and regulate your breathing through your nose.
Exhale all the air firmly out through the mouth.
Stop breathing when the lungs are empty and pull the diaphragm (abdomen) inward and upward by an image of inward breathing (it is important to maintain the relaxation of the abdominal muscles).
Hold your breath within the limits of comfort.
Release the diaphragm, inhaling through the nose or mouth.
(* You should practice 3-8 times in the beginning)
Benefits of free diving: This practice will increase the flexibility of our diaphragm so that it can withstand greater pressure, easier pressure comparison and as a result we will feel more comfortable in depth. Contributes to increasing lung volume and reducing residual volume.
General benefits:
* Deep massage of all the organs in the abdomen, improving blood circulation in these organs and improving their function.
* Treating abdominal problems such as constipation, indigestion, and diabetes.
* Balancing kidney gland function.
* Relief in cases of fatigue, anxiety and stress.
Do not lock if:
You suffer from colitis, ulceration of the stomach or intestines, diaphragmatic hernia, high blood pressure, heart problems, glaucoma, high intracranial pressure, pregnant, recovering from surgery in the abdomen or suffering from pain while locking.

Exercise three:
Anloma-viloma - alternating nostril breathing
It is a meditative exercise that balances the mind, body and mind.
Sit cross-legged or in a chair with your back straight and eyes closed
Pinch the nose with the right hand with the thumb resting on the right nostril and the ring finger on the left nostril.
Inhale through the left nostril for 4 seconds and seal it with the ring finger
Hold your breath for 8 seconds
Open the right thumb and release the air for 8 Seconds through the right nostril
Breathe through the right nostril for 4 seconds and seal it with the help of the union.
Hold your breath 8 Seconds.
Open the left nostril and release the air for 8 seconds.
* This is one round, repeat 6 rounds
Breathing times can be changed but the ratio should always be 1: 2: 2
Benefits of free diving: Improves breath control, relaxes and focuses the brain, helps cleanse the sinuses and returns energy to the body.
General Benefits: Restores energy flow and balances body energy, calms the nervous system
And encourages a better connection between the left and right lobes of the brain.
Exercise Four:
Square breathing
Sit cross-legged or in a chair with your back straight and your eyes closed.
Pinch the nose with the right hand with the thumb resting on the right nostril and the ring finger on the left nostril.
Breathe 6 seconds through the left nostril.
Hold the breath for 6 seconds (full lungs)
Exhale through the right nostril for 6 seconds
Hold the breath for 6 seconds (empty lungs)
We recommend performing the exercise for 5 minutes. If a 6-second count is felt
Uncomfortable, it is possible to shorten the count to 4-5 seconds to feel comfortable when practicing.
Over time you can start extending the count, for example 8 or 10 seconds.
The initial ratio is 1: 1: 1: 1 For example: inhale 4 seconds, stop 4, exhale 4 stop 4.
And with progress and convenience it is possible to raise the ratio to 1: 2: 2: 2.
Benefits of free diving: Excellent warming before diving, contributes to the oxidation of tissues and over time improves endurance to CO2, helps the body get used to the need to breathe.
General Benefits: Calms the body and focuses the mind, improves control and awareness of breathing.
very important!
All pranayas and bandages are for dry training only and should not be used with water.